Annual report pursuant to Section 13 and 15(d)

Employee Benefit Plans - Status of Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (Detail)

Employee Benefit Plans - Status of Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (Detail) - Supplemental Employee Retirement Plans, Defined Benefit [Member] - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2016
Dec. 31, 2015
Change in projected benefit obligation:    
Obligation at beginning of year $ 9,234 $ 7,976
Service cost 1,590 1,950
Interest cost 383 307
Actuarial loss (gain) 295 (737)
Benefits paid (269) (262)
Obligation at end of year 11,233 9,234
Accumulated benefit obligation 8,557 7,115
Change in fair value of plan assets:    
Employer contributions 269 262
Benefits paid (269) (262)
Funded status recognized $ (11,233) $ (9,234)